Opus Noir

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Welcome to the digital annex of my mind.

This site archives whatever claws its way out of my head: essays on literature’s underbellies, half-baked art, dissections of media, songs currently haunting my headphones, memoirs, graphics, and links to corners of the web I either inhabit or admire. There’s also a Diary (sparingly updated) and a Listography (for my compulsive cataloging of things).

Take what resonates; ignore the rest. If you find a sliver of meaning here, I’ll consider this experiment a success.

— L

Last updated: 2025/01/31 (YYYY/MM/DD)
  • 2025/01/31: Created new website with a perpetually updating Journal, an unnecessarily detailed About, and other miscellanea. Dig around, click things—no guarantees they all work yet.